Tired from the monotonous day of childcare, constant cleaning, and the worry of what's to come, Melissa says she finds herself in this state night after night. Melissa Brown, a single mother of 6—four of whom she adopted out fear for their safety from drugs and violence—loves her family more than anything and desires only to put a safe, clean roof over their heads. This is their journey to realize the American Dream.
The night wears long on Melissa Brown's face as she holds daughter Tiffany in the livingroom of their tiny Fairwood Homes rental. Fairwood Homes were built for shipbuilders during WWII and were only meant to last 10 years. The rentals, privately owned by a large corporation, are being condemned by the dozens but they are one of the few places around with low rent for low-income families. The company has no plans to fix the structures, to make them safe to live or to help the family's who live there. Tennants are also worried about rummors that the company will evict them all and board up the homes.
Tired from the monotonous day of childcare, constant cleaning, and the worry of what's to come, Melissa says she finds herself in this state night after night. Melissa Brown, a single mother of 6—four of whom she adopted out fear for their safety from drugs and violence—loves her family more than anything and desires only to put a safe, clean roof over their heads. This is their journey to realize the American Dream.
The night wears long on Melissa Brown's face as she holds daughter Tiffany in the livingroom of their tiny Fairwood Homes rental. Fairwood Homes were built for shipbuilders during WWII and were only meant to last 10 years. The rentals, privately owned by a large corporation, are being condemned by the dozens but they are one of the few places around with low rent for low-income families. The company has no plans to fix the structures, to make them safe to live or to help the family's who live there. Tennants are also worried about rummors that the company will evict them all and board up the homes.